I enjoy developing new courses and revising existing courses to include new learning modules. I often integrate current research in my courses and bring relevant industry perspectives to the classroom. My recent course enhancement includes the introduction of Large Language Models and Quantum computing in the Models of Computation class.
Undergraduate Courses Taught
Object-Oriented Programming
Models of Computation
Data Structures
Discrete Structures
Computer Networks
Concrete Mathematics
Database Systems
Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Introduction to Parallel Computing
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Graduate Courses Taught (MS and PhD)
Parallel Computing Concepts
High Performance Computing
Database Programming
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Graphical Network Programming
Operating Systems
Special Topics: in Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (for PhD students, University of Central Florida)
Current Topics in Algorithms (for PhD students, University of Central Florida)
Advanced Topics in Parallel Algorithms (for PhD students, University of Central Florida)
Parallel Architectures and Algorithms (for PhD students, University of Central Florida)
Advanced Topics in Graph Algorithms (for PhD students, University of Central Florida)